Lindell Collection

Folk Tales from Kammu I-VII
This series of Kammu folklore is based on an extensive set of material collected from Kammu people living in northern Thailand and Laos. The material was recorded on open-reel tape mainly during the summers of 1974 and 1976. The ultimate goal of the project was to preserve as many Kammu stories as possible. This goal appealed to the Kammu, and they assisted in arranging story-teller seesions, keenly aware that the most of the stories would be gone in one or two decades. As a result of their enthusiasm, over 320 stories were collected. The recordings presented here are reunited with the original publications, which were mainly in English. Efforts are being made to include the original transcriptions and accompanying illustrations.
Kammu Narratives
A collection of recordings and transcriptions of folktales and other narratives that were not published in the Folktales from Kammu series.